
The resources use a data model that is supported by a set of client-side libraries that are made available on the files and libraries page.

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name path methods description
  • /management/acls
  • /management/acls/{aclId}
  • /management/deleted/acls
  • /management/acls/named/{aclName}
  • /management/acls/{aclId}/acls
  • /management/deleted/acls/{aclId}
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • PUT
This is the http implementation of AclManagementService.
  • /archives
  • /archive/{archiveId}
  • /archives/{archive-name}
  • /archive/documents/{archiveId}
  • /archive/folders/{archiveId}
  • /archive/lookup-entries/{archiveId}
  • /archive/{archiveId}/fields
  • /archive/documents/{archiveId}/fields
  • /archive/folders/{archiveId}/fields
  • /archive/lookup-entries/{archiveId}/fields
  • /archive/{archiveId}/fields/{fieldId}
  • /archive/documents/{archiveId}/fields/{fieldId}
  • /archive/folders/{archiveId}/fields/{fieldId}
  • /archive/lookup-entries/{archiveId}/fields/{fieldId}
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of ArchiveService.
  • /management/current-user/password
  • PUT
This is the server side implementation of ChangePasswordResource.
  • /documents
  • /documents/{documentId}
  • /documents/revisions/{revisionId}
  • /documents/{documentId}/acls
  • /documents/{documentId}/lock
  • /archive/documents/{archiveId}/content
  • /documents/revisions/{revisionId}/index
  • /documents/revisions/{revisionId}/element/{elementId}
  • /documents/revisions/{revisionId}/index/{fieldName}
  • /documents/revisions/{revisionId}/element/{elementId}/children
  • POST
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST
This is the http implementation of DocumentService.
  • /folders
  • /folders/{folderId}
  • /folders/{folderId}/acls
  • /folders/{folderId}/documents
  • /folders/{folderId}/folders
  • /folders/{folderId}/index
  • /folders/{folderId}/parent
  • /folders/{folderId}/properties
  • /archive/folders/{archiveId}/content
  • /folders/{folderId}/documents/{documentId}
  • /folders/{folderId}/index/{fieldName}
  • POST
  • GET
  • GET
  • PUT
  • PUT
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of FolderService.
  • /management/groups
  • /management/deleted/groups
  • /management/groups/{groupId}
  • /management/deleted/groups/{groupId}
  • /management/groups/named/{groupName}
  • /management/groups/{groupId}/acls
  • /management/groups/{groupId}/extension
  • /management/groups/{groupId}/nestedgroups
  • /management/groups/{groupId}/nestedusers
  • /management/groups/{groupId}/nestedgroups/{memberId}
  • /management/groups/{groupId}/nestedusers/{memberId}
  • GET
  • PUT
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of GroupManagementService.
  • /lookup-entry
  • /lookup-entry/{id}
  • /lookup-entry/{id}/acls
  • /archive/lookup-entries/{archiveId}/content
  • /lookup-entry/{id}/index/{fieldName}
  • POST
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of LookupEntryService.
  • /records
  • POST
This is the http implementation of RecordService.
  • /management/roles
  • /management/deleted/roles
  • /management/roles/{roleId}
  • /management/deleted/roles/{roleId}
  • /management/roles/named/{roleName}
  • /management/roles/{roleId}/acls
  • GET
  • PUT
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of RoleManagementService.
  • /management/tenants
  • /management/deleted/tenants
  • /management/tenants/{tenantId}
  • /management/deleted/tenants/{tenantId}
  • /management/tenants/named/{tenantName}
  • /management/tenants/{tenantId}/extension
  • GET
  • PUT
  • GET
This is the http implementation of TenantManagementService.
  • /management/users
  • /management/deleted/users
  • /management/users/current
  • /management/users/current-context
  • /management/users/{userId}
  • /management/deleted/users/{userId}
  • /management/users/named/{userName}
  • /management/users/{userId}/acls
  • /management/users/{userId}/extension
  • /management/users/{userId}/groups
  • /management/users/{userId}/password
  • /management/users/{userId}/password/expiration
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • PUT
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • PUT
This is the http implementation of UserManagementService.
  • /workflow/definitions
  • /workflow/definitions/{definitionId}
  • /workflow/definitions/{definitionId}/transition
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of WorkflowDefinitionService.
  • /workflow/inboxes
  • /workflow/inboxes/groups
  • /workflow/inboxes/organization
  • /workflow/inboxes/personal
  • /workflow/inboxes/substitutes
  • /workflow/inboxes/{inboxId}
  • /workflow/inboxes/personal/items
  • /workflow/inboxes/{inboxId}/items
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
This is the http implementation of WorkflowInboxService.
  • /workflow/processes
  • /workflow/processes/{processId}
  • GET
This is the http implementation of WorkflowProcessService.
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}/comments
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}/forward
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}/index
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}/transitions
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}/ownership/acquire
  • /workflow/tasks/{taskId}/ownership/revoke
  • GET
  • POST
  • GET
  • PUT
  • PUT
This is the http implementation of WorkflowTaskService.

Data Types


type description
AccessRight This enumeration defines the different rights an actor may have on a specific object.
AclListItemType List item type for access control list entities.
AclPropertiesType Data transfer object for acess control list properties.
AclReferenceType An AclReferenceType uniquely identifies an ACL in a saperion system.
AclType The AclType is a representation of an access control list in the user management.
ActorListItemType An actor list item is a flyweight representation of an actor. It is used when it is not required or feasible to return the full actor object, for example in search results or actor selection lists.
ActorListItemTypeOfUserReferenceType An actor list item is a flyweight representation of an actor. It is used when it is not required or feasible to return the full actor object, for example in search results or actor selection lists.
ActorReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies members of the user administration.
ActorType An actor is an abstract class that represents all actors in the ECM system. Actors can either be users or user groups.
ActorTypeEnum Enumeration of all actor types in the system.
AnnotationAccessDataType This class holds data about access to an saperion related annotation. It has meaning only in the context of such an object given.
AnnotationType Common super class for types representing an annotation on a saperion document content element.
ApplicationError Error code implementation for application exceptions.
ArchiveContentEnum This enumeration defines the types of content that can be contained in an archive.
ArchiveFeatureEnum This enumeration defines the different features of an archive.
ArchiveIsolationEnum This enumeration defines the different isolation types of an archive.
ArchiveListItemType This ListItemType contains basic information about an archive.
ArchiveReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies an archive.
ArchiveType An ArchiveType contains detailed information about an archive.
ArrowAnnotationType This AnnotationType is rendered as an arrow or a line.
BackendSystemError Backend error definition.
BinaryFieldType This FieldType contains binary values.
BooleanFieldType This FieldType contains boolean values.
ClientError Error code implementation for security exceptions.
ConcurrentWriteDetails These are the details of a ConcurrentWriteException.
ContentDocumentElementType This subclass of DocumentElementType indicates that the element has binary data attached to it.
ContentMetaDataType This bean holds data about a content element.
CounterFieldType This FieldType contains integer values that are initialized by the server on creation and never changed.
CreateFolderInputType Protocol binding type for the create folder operation.
CreateLookupEntryInputType Input data binding type for the lookup-entry create operation. A property of the lookup-entry is represented as PropertyType.
CreateRecordInputType This class contains information used to create a new record.
CreateUserPropertiesType Data transfer object for user properties that can be user to create a new user.
CurrencyFieldType This FieldType contains currency values.
DateFieldType This FieldType contains date values.
DateTimeFieldType This FieldType contains date-time values.
DocumentContentMetaDataType This bean holds data about all the content elements of a given document.
DocumentElementReferenceType A DocumentElementId is an id that identifies a document element of a unique document revision.
DocumentElementStoreInformationType This bean holds the result of a successful write call to a document element (create or update).
DocumentElementType This class represents an element in a document structure.
DocumentLockedDetails These are the details of a ObjectLockedException concerning documents.
DocumentNodeType Enumerates the different types of document elements.
DocumentReferenceType A DocumentReferenceType is an id that identifies a document independent of revision.
DocumentRevisionListItemType This ListItemType is a flyweight representation of a document revision. Basically it contains all the data of a document revision the backend system stores in the database.
DocumentRevisionReferenceType A DocumentRevisionReferenceType is an id that identifies a saperion document revision.
DocumentRevisionType The document revision type represents a snapshot of a document at a defined point in time. It contains all document related data, including index data, document structure data and content.
DocumentStoreInformationType This bean holds the result of a successful document write call (create or update).
EnumFieldType This FieldType contains values that are contained in a lookup table.
EnumListFieldType This FieldType contains a list of values that are contained in a lookup table.
ErrorCodeType The error code type implements the means to store and access error information.
ErrorConstantType Constant implementation of an ErrorCodeType. All error code properties must be set on construction time. Later modifications are not allowed.
ErrorDetailsType Error details.
ErrorType The server fault type serves as a data transfer object that contains all service error information. A server fault MUST contain a unique error code that identifies the service error, a localized error description, optional error details and a list of localized error parameters.
ExtensionPropertiesType Data transfer object for schema-extension properties. The value of a schema-extension property is represented as PropertyType.
FieldDefinition This class defines the properties of a field contained in an archive.
FieldType This is the abstract superclass of all FieldTypes.
FieldTypeEnum This enumeration defines the different field types.
FileDocumentElementType This document element type indicates that the current element represents a given file.
FloatFieldType This FieldType contains float-values.
FolderListItemType This class defines the properties of a folder.
FolderReferenceType Provides a reference to a folder instance in the system.
GenericWorkflowErrorDetails This error details describe generic workflow errors.
GroupAccessType Representation of the access rights granted amd denied to a group.
GroupListItemType List item type for group entities.
GroupPropertiesType Data transfer object for group properties.
GroupReferenceType The group reference type.
GroupType The group type is a representation of an user group in the ECM system. User groups are used to manage and to authorize users.
HashDescriptor This class connects the hash of a document with its algorithm name.
IllegalInputError Error code implementation for security exceptions.
InboxListItemType A InboxListItemType holds the most important information about a workflow-inbox.
InboxReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies workflow-inboxes.
InboxTypeEnumeration This enumeration contains the possible types of workflow-inboxes.
  • PERSONAL: A user's personal inbox
  • GROUP: A inbox belonging to a group
  • ORGANIZATION: A inbox belonging to an organization-unit
  • SUBSTITUTE: A inbox belonging to a user that is substituted by the current user
InputStreamReferenceType InputStream reference that identifies a document content stream. If content streams and document metadata are stored or retrieved independently, this class is used as stream identifier in the document structure. It inherits from InputStream and adds an
IntegerFieldType This FieldType contains integer values.
LinkDocumentElementType This DocumentElementType represents a link to another document.
ListFieldType This FieldType contains a list of values.
ListItemType An list item is a flyweight representation of a backend object. It is used when it is not required or feasible to return the full object, for example in search results or selection lists.
LookupEntryListItemType A LookupEntryType represents an entry in a lookup table.
LookupEntryLockedDetails These are the details of a ObjectLockedException concerning lookup-entries.
LookupEntryReferenceType A LookupEntryReferenceType is an id that identifies an entry in a lookup table.
LookupFieldType This FieldType contains values that can be retrieved from a lookup table.
LookupListFieldType This FieldType contains a list of values that can be retrieved from a lookup table.
MandatoryConstraintViolationDetails These are the details for MandatoryConstraintViolationException.
MarkerAnnotationType This annotation indicates a marker.
ModificationMetaDataType This simple bean holds information about teh creation and last modification of a resource.
ObjectLockedDetails These are the details of ObjectLockedException.
PageDefinition The collection page parameter defines a specific section in the collection result set which is returned by the collection's list method.
PasswordExpiredDetails These are the details of com.lexmark.saperion.exceptions.system.PasswordExpiredException.
PictureAnnotationType This annotation holds a picture.
PropertyType Bean that represents a typed property of an ecm-service entity. Typed properties are typically user-defined index values and are used for example for document, folder and task index values. You can use Properties to create instances of this class.
RecipientSelectionType A recipient selection holds the information if and how the user for a workflow step has to be selected by in the previous workflow step.
ReferenceType The reference type represents an object reference to arbitrary resources in the ECM system. The class TypeConversions contains factory methods to create ReferenceType instances.
ResourceType The class resource type is the base type for all beans that a represent REST resource. All resources can be referenced and called by client applications. Each resource representation must therefore provide a valid object reference.
RoleListItemType List item type for role entities.
RolePropertiesType Data transfer object for role properties.
RoleReferenceType This ReferenceType references a role.
RoleType The RoleType is a representation of a role in the user management.
ScannedDocumentElementType This document element indicates that the current document represents a scanned page.
SearchError Error code implementation for database query exceptions.
SearchResultPageOfAclListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfArchiveListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfDocumentRevisionListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfGroupListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfInboxListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfObject Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfRoleListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfTenantListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfUserListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfWorkflowDefinitionListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SearchResultPageOfWorkflowProcessListItemType Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
SecurityAnnotationType This annotation prohibits access to a part of the document. Users without access only see a black marker.
SecurityError Error code implementation for security exceptions.
StringFieldType This FieldType contains String-values.
StructureCompositeDocumentElementType This document element representes a structure element that may have child documents i.e. is not a leaf.
SystemError System error definition.
SystemFieldWriteDetails These are the details for SystemFieldWriteException.
TaskCapabilitiesEnum The task capabilities enumeration defines the functions that can be called on a workflow task.
TaskCommentReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies comments at workflow tasks.
TaskCommentType The task comment type represents a comment of a workflow process. When a workflow was started users add comments in order to provide additional information for a later stage, for example when performing a task.

Comments are hierarchically structured. Each comment can have zero or more sub-comments. It is possible to add new comments to existing comments.

TaskForwardInputType The forward task input type is the protocol binding type for the task forward operation. The transition through which the task is forwarded is identified by the specified transition id. Additionally it is possible to specify a comment and recipients. If no transition id is specified the server uses the default transition to forward the task, if possible.
TaskPropertyType The task properties define all property values that can be directly changed by an application.
TaskReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies workflow tasks.
TaskType The task type is a representation of a task in a running workflow process. The task object has a number of properties such as the task owner, user data, or escalation information.

Moreover, tasks can specify a number of transition definitions. These transition definitions specify the different paths that a task can be forwarded in an workflow.

TenantListItemType List item type for tenant entities.
TenantPropertiesType Data transfer object for tenant properties.
TenantReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies tenants in a saperion user management.
TenantType This bean represents tenants in a saperion user administration.
TextAnnotationType This annotation holds formatted text - a note.
TimeFieldType This FieldType contains time values.
TimeInfoType Specifies task related time information.
TransitionDefinitionType A transition definition represents the different exit path of a workflow node. Workflow nodes represent single steps in a workflow. Transitions (or task transitions) define all possible paths of a workflow node. After a workflow step was executed a valid transition to the next workflow step must be chosen. This is done either automatically or by the work step itself.
UniqueConstraintViolationDetails These are the details for MandatoryConstraintViolationException.
UpdateDocumentInputType Document properties type. The data transfer object contains the properties of a document, namely the document index data and the document root element.
UpdateFolderInputType Protocol binding type for folder update operations.
UpdateLookupEntryInputType Data binding for lookup-entry update operation. A single property of the lookup-entry is represented as PropertyType.
UserAccessType Representation of the access rights granted amd denied to a user.
UserContextType This class holds all information about a user currently logged in.
UserListItemType List item type for user entities.
UserPropertiesType Data transfer object for user properties that can be user to update an existing user.
UserReferenceType The user reference type.
UserType The user type represents a user in the system.
WorkflowActorRequiredDetails Details for the WorkflowActorRequiredException.
WorkflowDefinitionListItemType This list item type holds easy to access data of a workflow definition stored in the system. It works a short info for workflow definition types in lists.
WorkflowDefinitionReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies workflow definitions.
WorkflowDefinitionType The workflow definition type represents a workflow definition stored in the system. An application can start a new workflow process for a document based on an existing workflow definition.
WorkflowError Error code implementation for application exceptions.
WorkflowProcessListItemType This list item type holds easy to access data of a workflow process instance. It works a short info for workflow process instances in lists.
WorkflowProcessReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies instances of workflow processes.
WorkflowProcessStateEnum The process state enumeration lists all possible states of a workflow process.
WorkflowProcessType A workflow process is a workflow that was started for a particular document. Each workflow is started based on a workflow definition.
WorkflowProcessTypeEnum Defines the possible workflow types.
WorkflowStartInputType This class combines the entities necessary to start a workflow.
WrongArchiveKindDetails This class holds the exception details of WrongArchiveKindException.
XmlFieldType This FieldType contains XML values.


Default Namespace (schema)
type description
listItemType An list item is a flyweight representation of a backend object. It is used when it is not required or feasible to return the full object, for example in search results or selection lists.
modificationMetaDataType This simple bean holds information about teh creation and last modification of a resource.
propertyType Bean that represents a typed property of an ecm-service entity. Typed properties are typically user-defined index values and are used for example for document, folder and task index values. You can use Properties to create instances of this class.
referenceType The reference type represents an object reference to arbitrary resources in the ECM system. The class TypeConversions contains factory methods to create ReferenceType instances.
resourceType The class resource type is the base type for all beans that a represent REST resource. All resources can be referenced and called by client applications. Each resource representation must therefore provide a valid object reference.
accessRight This enumeration defines the different rights an actor may have on a specific object.
aclListItemType List item type for access control list entities.
aclPropertiesType Data transfer object for acess control list properties.
aclReferenceType An AclReferenceType uniquely identifies an ACL in a saperion system.
aclType The AclType is a representation of an access control list in the user management.
actorListItemType An actor list item is a flyweight representation of an actor. It is used when it is not required or feasible to return the full actor object, for example in search results or actor selection lists.
actorReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies members of the user administration.
actorType An actor is an abstract class that represents all actors in the ECM system. Actors can either be users or user groups.
actorTypeEnum Enumeration of all actor types in the system.
createUserPropertiesType Data transfer object for user properties that can be user to create a new user.
extensionPropertiesType Data transfer object for schema-extension properties. The value of a schema-extension property is represented as PropertyType.
groupAccessType Representation of the access rights granted amd denied to a group.
groupListItemType List item type for group entities.
groupPropertiesType Data transfer object for group properties.
groupReferenceType The group reference type.
groupType The group type is a representation of an user group in the ECM system. User groups are used to manage and to authorize users.
roleListItemType List item type for role entities.
rolePropertiesType Data transfer object for role properties.
roleReferenceType This ReferenceType references a role.
roleType The RoleType is a representation of a role in the user management.
tenantListItemType List item type for tenant entities.
tenantPropertiesType Data transfer object for tenant properties.
tenantReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies tenants in a saperion user management.
tenantType This bean represents tenants in a saperion user administration.
userAccessType Representation of the access rights granted amd denied to a user.
userContextType This class holds all information about a user currently logged in.
userListItemType List item type for user entities.
userPropertiesType Data transfer object for user properties that can be user to update an existing user.
userReferenceType The user reference type.
userType The user type represents a user in the system.
archiveContentEnum This enumeration defines the types of content that can be contained in an archive.
archiveFeatureEnum This enumeration defines the different features of an archive.
archiveIsolationEnum This enumeration defines the different isolation types of an archive.
archiveListItemType This ListItemType contains basic information about an archive.
archiveReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies an archive.
archiveType An ArchiveType contains detailed information about an archive.
binaryFieldType This FieldType contains binary values.
booleanFieldType This FieldType contains boolean values.
counterFieldType This FieldType contains integer values that are initialized by the server on creation and never changed.
currencyFieldType This FieldType contains currency values.
dateFieldType This FieldType contains date values.
dateTimeFieldType This FieldType contains date-time values.
enumFieldType This FieldType contains values that are contained in a lookup table.
enumListFieldType This FieldType contains a list of values that are contained in a lookup table.
fieldDefinition This class defines the properties of a field contained in an archive.
fieldType This is the abstract superclass of all FieldTypes.
fieldTypeEnum This enumeration defines the different field types.
floatFieldType This FieldType contains float-values.
integerFieldType This FieldType contains integer values.
listFieldType This FieldType contains a list of values.
lookupFieldType This FieldType contains values that can be retrieved from a lookup table.
lookupListFieldType This FieldType contains a list of values that can be retrieved from a lookup table.
stringFieldType This FieldType contains String-values.
timeFieldType This FieldType contains time values.
xmlFieldType This FieldType contains XML values.
annotationAccessDataType This class holds data about access to an saperion related annotation. It has meaning only in the context of such an object given.
annotationType Common super class for types representing an annotation on a saperion document content element.
arrowAnnotationType This AnnotationType is rendered as an arrow or a line.
contentDocumentElementType This subclass of DocumentElementType indicates that the element has binary data attached to it.
contentMetaDataType This bean holds data about a content element.
documentContentMetaDataType This bean holds data about all the content elements of a given document.
documentElementReferenceType A DocumentElementId is an id that identifies a document element of a unique document revision.
documentElementStoreInformationType This bean holds the result of a successful write call to a document element (create or update).
documentElementType This class represents an element in a document structure.
documentReferenceType A DocumentReferenceType is an id that identifies a document independent of revision.
documentRevisionListItemType This ListItemType is a flyweight representation of a document revision. Basically it contains all the data of a document revision the backend system stores in the database.
documentRevisionReferenceType A DocumentRevisionReferenceType is an id that identifies a saperion document revision.
documentRevisionType The document revision type represents a snapshot of a document at a defined point in time. It contains all document related data, including index data, document structure data and content.
documentStoreInformationType This bean holds the result of a successful document write call (create or update).
fileDocumentElementType This document element type indicates that the current element represents a given file.
hashDescriptor This class connects the hash of a document with its algorithm name.
inputStreamReferenceType InputStream reference that identifies a document content stream. If content streams and document metadata are stored or retrieved independently, this class is used as stream identifier in the document structure. It inherits from InputStream and adds an
linkDocumentElementType This DocumentElementType represents a link to another document.
markerAnnotationType This annotation indicates a marker.
pictureAnnotationType This annotation holds a picture.
scannedDocumentElementType This document element indicates that the current document represents a scanned page.
securityAnnotationType This annotation prohibits access to a part of the document. Users without access only see a black marker.
structureCompositeDocumentElementType This document element representes a structure element that may have child documents i.e. is not a leaf.
textAnnotationType This annotation holds formatted text - a note.
updateDocumentInputType Document properties type. The data transfer object contains the properties of a document, namely the document index data and the document root element.
errorCodeType The error code type implements the means to store and access error information.
errorConstantType Constant implementation of an ErrorCodeType. All error code properties must be set on construction time. Later modifications are not allowed.
errorDetailsType Error details.
errorType The server fault type serves as a data transfer object that contains all service error information. A server fault MUST contain a unique error code that identifies the service error, a localized error description, optional error details and a list of localized error parameters.
applicationError Error code implementation for application exceptions.
genericWorkflowErrorDetails This error details describe generic workflow errors.
searchError Error code implementation for database query exceptions.
workflowActorRequiredDetails Details for the WorkflowActorRequiredException.
workflowError Error code implementation for application exceptions.
clientError Error code implementation for security exceptions.
concurrentWriteDetails These are the details of a ConcurrentWriteException.
documentLockedDetails These are the details of a ObjectLockedException concerning documents.
illegalInputError Error code implementation for security exceptions.
lookupEntryLockedDetails These are the details of a ObjectLockedException concerning lookup-entries.
mandatoryConstraintViolationDetails These are the details for MandatoryConstraintViolationException.
objectLockedDetails These are the details of ObjectLockedException.
systemFieldWriteDetails These are the details for SystemFieldWriteException.
uniqueConstraintViolationDetails These are the details for MandatoryConstraintViolationException.
wrongArchiveKindDetails This class holds the exception details of WrongArchiveKindException.
backendSystemError Backend error definition.
passwordExpiredDetails These are the details of com.lexmark.saperion.exceptions.system.PasswordExpiredException.
securityError Error code implementation for security exceptions.
systemError System error definition.
createFolderInputType Protocol binding type for the create folder operation.
createRecordInputType This class contains information used to create a new record.
folderListItemType This class defines the properties of a folder.
folderReferenceType Provides a reference to a folder instance in the system.
updateFolderInputType Protocol binding type for folder update operations.
createLookupEntryInputType Input data binding type for the lookup-entry create operation. A property of the lookup-entry is represented as PropertyType.
lookupEntryListItemType A LookupEntryType represents an entry in a lookup table.
lookupEntryReferenceType A LookupEntryReferenceType is an id that identifies an entry in a lookup table.
updateLookupEntryInputType Data binding for lookup-entry update operation. A single property of the lookup-entry is represented as PropertyType.
pageDefinition The collection page parameter defines a specific section in the collection result set which is returned by the collection's list method.
searchResultPage Data structure that contains a list of query result items. Since item searches can produce large result sets, search results are transferred in form of result pages to the calling application. The search result page defines the data structure for that purpose.
inboxListItemType A InboxListItemType holds the most important information about a workflow-inbox.
inboxReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies workflow-inboxes.
inboxTypeEnumeration This enumeration contains the possible types of workflow-inboxes.
  • PERSONAL: A user's personal inbox
  • GROUP: A inbox belonging to a group
  • ORGANIZATION: A inbox belonging to an organization-unit
  • SUBSTITUTE: A inbox belonging to a user that is substituted by the current user
recipientSelectionType A recipient selection holds the information if and how the user for a workflow step has to be selected by in the previous workflow step.
taskCapabilitiesEnum The task capabilities enumeration defines the functions that can be called on a workflow task.
taskCommentReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies comments at workflow tasks.
taskCommentType The task comment type represents a comment of a workflow process. When a workflow was started users add comments in order to provide additional information for a later stage, for example when performing a task.

Comments are hierarchically structured. Each comment can have zero or more sub-comments. It is possible to add new comments to existing comments.

taskForwardInputType The forward task input type is the protocol binding type for the task forward operation. The transition through which the task is forwarded is identified by the specified transition id. Additionally it is possible to specify a comment and recipients. If no transition id is specified the server uses the default transition to forward the task, if possible.
taskPropertyType The task properties define all property values that can be directly changed by an application.
taskReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies workflow tasks.
taskType The task type is a representation of a task in a running workflow process. The task object has a number of properties such as the task owner, user data, or escalation information.

Moreover, tasks can specify a number of transition definitions. These transition definitions specify the different paths that a task can be forwarded in an workflow.

timeInfoType Specifies task related time information.
transitionDefinitionType A transition definition represents the different exit path of a workflow node. Workflow nodes represent single steps in a workflow. Transitions (or task transitions) define all possible paths of a workflow node. After a workflow step was executed a valid transition to the next workflow step must be chosen. This is done either automatically or by the work step itself.
workflowDefinitionListItemType This list item type holds easy to access data of a workflow definition stored in the system. It works a short info for workflow definition types in lists.
workflowDefinitionReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies workflow definitions.
workflowDefinitionType The workflow definition type represents a workflow definition stored in the system. An application can start a new workflow process for a document based on an existing workflow definition.
workflowProcessListItemType This list item type holds easy to access data of a workflow process instance. It works a short info for workflow process instances in lists.
workflowProcessReferenceType This ReferenceType identifies instances of workflow processes.
workflowProcessStateEnum The process state enumeration lists all possible states of a workflow process.
workflowProcessType A workflow process is a workflow that was started for a particular document. Each workflow is started based on a workflow definition.
workflowProcessTypeEnum Defines the possible workflow types.
workflowStartInputType This class combines the entities necessary to start a workflow.